Sun, Fun and the Sea : The Magic of Thailand (হার্ডকভার)
Sun, Fun and the Sea : The Magic of Thailand (হার্ডকভার)
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The ten days Amio spent in Phuket and Bangkok. with some children of family friends of his age or younger than him, visiting many tourist spots. were filled with fun and adventure. He writes about the short trip with a great deal of passion He obviously enjoyed the trip, as it also offered him occasions to go shopping and visit his favorite fast food chains. The children--being children--also fought a lot, but in the end made up and went on enjoying each other's company. What makes Amio's account interesting is his eye for detail and his sense of humour. Before going to important places like James Bond Island, he googled to read everything about them. This gives his account a truthfulness that makes it an interesting read. I enjoyed the book and felt that Amio was taking me to every place he visited, even when he was riding a sea scooter with a friend sitting behind him and getting lost in the sea! I am sure Amio will visit many more places in the future and write about them. And I'll be waiting for an opportunity to read these travel accounts.  -- Syed Manzoorul Islam

Title : Sun, Fun and the Sea : The Magic of Thailand
Author : অমিও মাজহার
Publisher : পাঞ্জেরী পাবলিকেশন্স লিমিটেড
ISBN : 9789849295280
Edition : 2017
Number of Pages : 96
Country : Bangladesh
Language : English

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