Kendos Naughty Deeds (পেপারব্যাক)
Kendos Naughty Deeds (পেপারব্যাক)
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Ekhlasuddin Ahmed, leading author of juvenile fiction and rhymes, has created many characters of his own, and Kendo the Tiger is one such important tigure. Kendo has both real and unreal element in her. Nobody knows it she actually exists or it is all in the imagination of. Tunu the child, another of Ekhlasuddin Ahmed's favourite character. But whatever that may be everybody knows about Kendo, they sutter and enjoy from all her misdeeds and find that life becomes more joytul because ot the ever presence of Kendo, the reality or unreality withstanding. From the series of storiés involving Kendo, National Professor Kabir Chowdhury has translated one so that children of other cultures can also share the Fun of Kendo's Naughty Deeds alongwith the children of Bangladesh.

Title : Kendos Naughty Deeds
Author : এখলাসউদ্দিন আহমদ
Translator : কবীর চৌধুরী
Publisher : সাহিত্য প্রকাশ
ISBN : 9844653894
Edition : 2015
Number of Pages : 63
Country : Bangladesh
Language : English

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