Queen Sonja : The Red Queen Vol 2 (পেপারব্যাক)
Queen Sonja : The Red Queen Vol 2 (পেপারব্যাক)
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After the thrilling opening adventures of the all-new, all-different Queen Sonja, Dynamite proudly presents the next chapter in the She-Devil with a Sword saga! Featuring the Dynamite debut of writer Arvid (Kull) Nelson and artist Jackson (Avengers/Invaders) Herbert, Sonja finds herself warily upon the throne and facing a new and deadly threat from within... and without!

Collecting issues #6-10 of the series along with a complete cover gallery.

Title : Queen Sonja : The Red Queen Vol 2
Author : আরভিদ নেলসন
Publisher : ডিনামাইট এন্টারটেইনমেন্ট
ISBN : 1606902156
Edition : 1st Edition, 2011
Country : India
Language : English

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