অ্যাডভাঞ্চার অব জাওয়াদ (হার্ডকভার)
অ্যাডভাঞ্চার অব জাওয়াদ (হার্ডকভার)
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I like using my imagination to create stories. I used to watch cartoons and I think I am like a character in a cartoon. I used to make stories and tell my nanu (grandmother) these stories. One day, my nanu told me to start writing them and use my talent seriously. Then, months and years passed. When I was in class 4, at July to August I use to see too much cartoons and stuff. I was not studying much and my parents were unhappy. I decided to write about all the cartoons and thoughts in a diary and close them forever.
Then I created my first story, “The Spooky Toilet.” Later, “Dr. Sanders and The Train Adventures.” They were included in the book. Then my big bro, Bhaia moni passed SSC exam. He got a vacation. Then in the first month of the vacation, he decided to type my story in the PC. So, I made stories in my mind and was telling them to bhaia moni. He had typed them in the PC.

Title : অ্যাডভাঞ্চার অব জাওয়াদ
Author : জাওয়াদ মাহমুদ
Publisher : টাঙ্গন প্রকাশন
ISBN : 9789849662617
Edition : 2022
Number of Pages : 156
Country : Bangladesh
Language : English

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