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৯৯০ বা তার বেশি টাকার বই অর্ডারে ডেলিভারি চার্জ ফ্রি। কুপন: FREEDELIVERY
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The Miracle Of Mindfulness: The Classic Guide To Meditation By The World's Most Revered Master written by one of the foremost Buddhist monks, provides readers the secret to lead happy and peaceful lives.
Summary Of The Book
In the exceedingly fast paced world of today, people hardly have time to think about their actions and priorities. This and ever building work pressure often results in heightened levels of stress and anxiety. Thich Nhat Hanh, a contemporary Vietnamese Buddhist monk, gives a solution to this common problem. In his book The Miracle Of Mindfulness: The Classic Guide To Meditation By The World's Most Revered Master, he suggests that readers take up meditation to deal with the stresses of everyday life.
This book provides readers with the method for meditating successfully in the busy lifestyle of today. Thich Nhat Hanh shows readers how to access the skill of mindfulness, a skill by which they can effectively slow time down and focus on the work that is being done at that particular moment. In this process, every act, such as drinking a cup of tea or washing dishes, can be turned into meditation.
In The Miracle Of Mindfulness: The Classic Guide To Meditation By The World's Most Revered Master, the author emphasizes the fact that meditation should not be an escape from reality, but a way to connect to reality in a better way. By realizing the interconnectedness of ourselves with the outside world, we can be liberated from our false perception of reality, which is fragmented. In the realized perspective, there is no difference between the self and the world perceived by the self. Thus, there is nothing to get, nothing to be afraid of, nothing to try and achieve, and consequently, no stress.
The Miracle Of Mindfulness: The Classic Guide To Meditation By The World's Most Revered Master presents simple and logical ways to become a happier and balanced person. The book is full of anecdotes, exercises to develop and test one's mindfulness, and sutras selected by the author.
About Thich Nhat Hanh
Thich Nhat Hanh is a contemporary Vietnamese Buddhist monk. He is also an activist, teacher, author, and poet.
His works include Vietnam: Lotus In A Sea Of Fire, Peace Is Every Step: The Path Of Mindfulness In Everyday Life, The Heart Of Understanding, and Old Path White Clouds: Walking In the Footsteps Of The Buddha.
Thich Nhat Hanh was born in Central Vietnam in 1926. In 1960, he enrolled at Princeton University to study Comparative Religion. He was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in 1967 by Martin Luther King Jr. He currently lives in Plum Village Monastery in Southern France. Thich Nhat Hanh has written over 100 books, 40 of which have been translated into English.
Title | : | The Miracle Of Mindfulness |
Author | : | থিচ নাত হান |
Publisher | : | রাইডার |
ISBN | : | 9781846041068 |
Edition | : | 2008 |
Number of Pages | : | 144 |
Country | : | India |
Language | : | English |
থিচ নাত হান (জন্ম: ১১ অক্টোবর, ১৯২৬, হিউ, ভিয়েতনাম মৃত্যু: ২২ জানুয়ারী, ২০২২, প্যাগোডা, হিউ, ভিয়েতনাম) ছিলেন একজন ভিয়েতনামী থিয়েন বৌদ্ধ সন্ন্যাসী, শান্তি কর্মী, বিশিষ্ট লেখক, কবি এবং শিক্ষক যিনি পেলামকে খুঁজে পেয়েছিলেন গ্রামীণ ঐতিহ্য, ঐতিহাসিকভাবে জড়িত বৌদ্ধ ধর্মের প্রধান অনুপ্রেরণা হিসেবে স্বীকৃত। "মননশীলতার জনক" হিসাবে পরিচিত, নহট হান বৌদ্ধ ধর্মের পশ্চিমা অনুশীলনের উপর একটি বড় প্রভাব ছিল।
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