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"Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless, " - Mother Teresa
I was greatly inspired in writing my second book Step Towards English by my colleagues, students and friends. This book is basically designed for the beginners who really want to make a headway in English language. It is intended to give primary and important features of English language especially conversational English. A CD is included for conversation and pronunciation practice.
Any language whether it is English or Bangla is a medium of communication and to communicate better it is evident that the English skill is quite imperative. It is true indeed there is no quick and short way of improving English. But in this bookI have attempted to make all these easier and convenient for better understanding. In each section a grammar focus, usefül vocabulary and their usage is included and through listening to the audio CD you will be able to improve your listening aptitude. Unknowingly we mispronounce many words but we need to be more careful about these types of mistakes. We must keep in mind that it is not our mother tongue and we really cannot make any sound according to our wish. In view of this we must give efforts to achieve the standard pronunciation as much as we can. This book will also give you direction in featuring of everyday spoken English which, though not difficult in themselves, are usually neglected in general courses. In many cases Bangla is used for clear explanation and meaning and I believe it would be helpful for the weak English learners. And last but not least that this book and the Companion CD will play an important role to get rid of your oral difficulties.
In this edition you may find some typographical mistakes after a thorough and careful scan. I beg apology for such mistakes. I welcome your suggestions, opinions and views in improving this book.
I am indeed grateful to my father, Mr Wazih Ullah Khan for his profound knowledge and guidance in writing this book.
In writing this book, I received considerable assistance, guidance and suggestion, often at short notice, from the following people who provided their advice and expertise in helping to make this writing a worthy one: my all friends. colleaguces and well wishers especially M Riaj Ahmed, Administrative Officer, North South University; Ruxana Anwar, CEO, Sparsho, noted singer, Newscaster; Nilufer Karim, Bangla Newscaster & Consultant ILO; Nurul Hasnat Jilan, Bangla Newscaster, BTV& Bangladesh Betar; Salahuddin Ahmed, Bangla Newscaster, Bangladesh Betar & BTV; Dewan Sayeedul Hassan, Bangla Newscaster, BTV & Deputy Accountant General of AGB; Shamsul Moman, Chief Sound Engineer, Rhythm Sound and Visiow, Md. Salim Mia, IA, SCH-UK, Shafiqur Rahman, MBA & BBA Coordinator, IIUC-Dhaka Campus, Md. Delwar Hossain, Senior Principal Officer, Agrani Bank Ltd, Dr. Bidhan Sarker, Register& Specialist Cosmetic Surgery DMCH, Muhammad Shajjad Ahsan, Associate Professor, Jahangirnagar University, and Syed Latif Hossain, CEO Aura Communication I am very grateful to all for their help.
Finally, I must thank the most gracious and the most merciful Allah (SWT) for giving me the best of His blessings and vigour in writing this book.
M Ahsan Ullah Khan
Title | : | স্টেপ টুয়ার্ডস ইংলিশ |
Author | : | এম আহসান উল্লাহ খান |
Publisher | : | পাঞ্জেরী পাবলিকেশন্স লিমিটেড |
ISBN | : | 9847003801064 |
Edition | : | 2009 |
Number of Pages | : | 152 |
Country | : | Bangladesh |
Language | : | English |
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