Faith Finding a Voice (পেপারব্যাক)
Faith Finding a Voice (পেপারব্যাক)
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In Faith Finding a Voice Cardinal Vincent Nichols invites us to join him in an exploration of the presence of God in our lives. How might we attune our ears to listen with greater attention to the voice of God, through Scripture, the teachings of the Church, divine worship and the exercise of Caritas? How might the gift of faith be realised in our lives in order that an authentic voice might be heard through our words and actions?

The reader is encouraged to reflect upon the mystery of the Triune God revealed to humanity and seen uniquely in Jesus Christ. Drawing primarily upon the altarpiece The Nativity with Saints by Pietro Orioli, Cardinal Vincent shows how, by following the way and ministry of Jesus, we are drawn into union with the divine, now and for all eternity.

Through this vision the Cardinal advocates the necessity of theological and religious literacy for the common good of society. This engagement encourages us to nourish the seeds of hope and to strive to build a more peaceful world through inter-faith dialogue.

Title : Faith Finding a Voice
Author : কার্ডিনাল ভিনসেন্ট নিকোলস
Publisher : ব্লুমসবারি পাবলিশিং পিএলসি
ISBN : 9781472950444
Edition : 2018
Number of Pages : 338
Country : India
Language : English

Cardinal Vincent Nichols (Born: November 8, 1945  Crosby, United Kingdom) is an English cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church, Archbishop of Westminster and President of the Catholic Bishops' Conference of England and Wales. He previously served as Archbishop of Birmingham from 2000 to 2009.

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