Understanding Islam (পেপারব্যাক)
Understanding Islam (পেপারব্যাক)
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Most of the great religions of the world began with the need to reform individuals and society, especially when there was large-scale moral degeneration. But over time, their essence became obscured by politics and rhetoric, leading to misinterpretation and fundamentalism. Islam is no exception.
Understanding Islam examines the true spirit and essence of the religion based on its original scripture, the Holy Quran, and how far it has moved away from its spirit and values. Using Abdullah Yusuf Ali's translation, The Meaning of Glorious Quran: Text, Translation and Commentary, as well as Wahiduddin Khan and Farida Khanam's translation, The Quran, the author discusses the Quranic invalidity of the interpretation of the religion by hardliners and counters prevailing distortions in the interpretation of some of the verses that only serve divisive and extremist agendas. The book also sheds light on simple yet profound questions of right and wrong, divine mercy and wrath, trials and prayer, life and the afterlife.
A moving and deeply spiritual read, Understanding Islam is a must-read to comprehend the true nature of Islam.

Title : Understanding Islam
Author : আবাদ আহমদ
Publisher : হার্পার কলিনস পাবলিশার্স
ISBN : 9789356296800
Edition : 2023
Number of Pages : 318
Country : India
Language : English

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