A Man of Mistakes (হার্ডকভার)
A Man of Mistakes (হার্ডকভার)
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It is a story of a man who loved unconditionally and dedicated his life to his family and never able to establish a loving relationship either with his wife or his lovers the way he expected. He made mistakes after mistakes and could not save any true relationship, and finally, he encountered a huge mistake that took away the last hope of his life. This book is about Peter’s early life, education, love life, marriage, cheating, and struggle and his mistakes.

Title : A Man of Mistakes
Author : রাহানা সুমি
Publisher : শব্দশৈলী
ISBN : 9789849864400
Edition : 1st Published, 2024
Number of Pages : 88
Country : Bangladesh
Language : English

Rahana Shume is originally from Dhaka. She has a Bachelor and Master Degrees in English Literature. She enjoys reading books in her free time! From her childhood she had a great deal amount of passion in writing! She made the plan to start writing this book in 2020. Currently she lives and works as a Lecturer in the UK. "A Man of Mistakes " is her first book.

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