Princess Fairy Tales (হার্ডকভার)
Princess Fairy Tales (হার্ডকভার)
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A collection of enchanting princess fairy tales to take your child on a journey with fairies, animals and magic. Written in simple English language, Each fairy tale has a beautiful ending that makes it ideal for reading aloud to kids for story time and bedtime. The book is filled with vibrant and captivating illustrations, which will attract the attention of your child. The princess fairy tales book includes the following stories: beauty and the Beast sleeping beauty snow White and the seven dwarfs little Red Riding Hood Cinderella Goldilocks and the three bears Rapunzel Thumbelina Hansel and Gretel, and the little mermaid.

Title : Princess Fairy Tales
Author : ওয়ান্ডার হাউস বুকস (সম্পাদক)
Publisher : ওয়ান্ডার হাউস
ISBN : 9789388810685
Edition : 2022
Number of Pages : 166
Country : India
Language : English

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