Value Based Stories: Perseverance (পেপারব্যাক)
Value Based Stories: Perseverance (পেপারব্যাক)
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Perseverance is a virtue that every child must learn. This value-based storybook, with its vibrant illustrations and engaging characters, teaches the importance of perseverance through relatable tales. As the characters face challenges and obstacles, they learn the value of determination and persistence in achieving their goals. The book encourages young readers to never give up, even when the path seems difficult. With each story, children will be inspired to develop resilience and a positive mindset, essential qualities for success in life. This delightful book is a must-have for parents and educators who want to instill the value of perseverance in their children or students.

Title : Value Based Stories: Perseverance
Author : আলকা পাবলিকেশনস (সম্পাদক)
Publisher : আলকা পাবলিকেশনস
ISBN : 9789389826821
Number of Pages : 16
Country : India
Language : English

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