The Elenauts (হার্ডকভার)
The Elenauts (হার্ডকভার)
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The world has entered an age of robots and humanoids.The tech giant Space Race has erected a structure, eighty miles tall, to lift the elenauts (Elevated Astronauts) to the lower orbit, instead of using the conventional launch vehicles. This is about changing the rules of the game to travel beyond the solar system. The goal is to build a platform in space which could be used to build the kind of space vehicles needed to travel to the nearest constellation. Hence, Space Race has assembled and trained a dedicated team. The team consists of humans and android robots. The field is ready for inter-stellar journeys, but Cindy and Trevor are not sure where the journey will take them. Cindy and her team find themselves under the crosshair of a deadly plot to eliminate them (pitch). Sabotage arouses suspicion about the integrity of the robots. What has been designed to protect turns into a menace, jeopardizing the entire project. Hence, Michael and his company become the targets of those who are about to lose the race because of the successful execution of the Project Elenaut. In the end, Cindy and her team realize Michael’s dream. They survive not only natural calamity, but also man-made hurdles like subversion and outright military assault.

Title : The Elenauts
Author : তারেক মাসুদ
Publisher : বর্ণিল প্রকাশনী
ISBN : 9789843600868
Edition : Edition, 2025
Number of Pages : 298
Country : Bangladesh
Language : English

Tarek Masud is an author from Dhaka, Bangladesh. He was born to Mr. Abu Mohsin and Latifa Akhter on November 9, 1963. He is the second child of his deceased parents. Mr. Masud is a retired teacher with twenty years of teaching experience. Prior to starting his career as an author, he taught at several English medium schools in Dhaka. He received his post graduate degree in English from Dhaka International University, which is located in Banani, Dhaka.
Till now his literary works are “Rahmat Ali”, “Five Tablets” and “Pulse”. The first one is a novel and the other two are short story collections in Bangla, his native language. “Forbidden Affair: A Tale from Arakan” is his first literary work in English. It is followed by “The Harbinger” and “Ismarus”, two historical fictions. “The Elenauts”, is a science fiction. “Fear Not the Spirit” is an environmental fiction and his latest literary work.
Mr. Masud is married to Mahfuza Rahman and has two daughters, Fatema Tuz Zahra and Ayesha Siddiqua.

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