Our Environment Our Existence (হার্ডকভার)
Our Environment Our Existence (হার্ডকভার)
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Although talking about business, the foreigners actually came to the Peace Land with a different purpose. In fact, the number of crimes including theft, robbery, murder and vandalism were constantly increasing in their country. The king of their country was struggling to deal with all those criminals. Almost all the jails were filled with criminals and it was very difficult to arrest and keep other floating criminals. Above all the country was suffering from huge economic burden to maintain all those jails. At last he decided to catch all those criminals of his country and to send them to exile abroad. That's why he was looking for such a suitable place far away from his own country where if someone is sent once will never ever be interested to return back. In order to find out such a suitable place the king sent his men to different countries of world...

Title : Our Environment Our Existence
Author : কর্নেল ডা. আব্দুল্লাহ আল-মেহেদী
Publisher : অন্বেষা প্রকাশন
Edition : 1st Published, 2025
Number of Pages : 40
Country : Bangladesh
Language : English

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