এলেক্স কাউন্ট

এলেক্স কাউন্ট

Alex Counts is an independent consultant to nonpro t organizations (including the India Philanthropy Alliance), was an a liated faculty of the Do Good Institute at the University of Maryland’s School of Public Policy from 2017-2021. In 1997, he established Grameen Foundation with the support of Nobel laureate Dr. Muhammad Yunus and became its President and CEO. Counts served as the legislative director of RESULTS and as a regional project manager for CARE-Bangladesh. He served the American India Foundation in 2016-2017 as the President and CEO. While at Cornell University, Counts received the John F. Kennedy Memorial Award. He was a founding member of the Advisory Council of the Center for Financial Inclusion and has also served Fonkoze USA as the chairman and of the Fonkoze Family Coordinating Committee co-chair.

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