Municipal Solid Waste Management Bangladesh Perspective (হার্ডকভার)
Municipal Solid Waste Management Bangladesh Perspective (হার্ডকভার)
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About 27 millions people of 5 millions households from 229 City Corporations and municipalities of Bangladesh are responsible for generation of more of less 13,000 M.T. of municipal solid waster a day. Improper management of municipal solid waste keeps the environment, public health, comfort of the residents and aesthetic beauty of a city or town at a state of vulnerability. Proper management of municipal solid waste has been an urge of the city dwellers for leading a decent and hygienic livelihood. The book has dealt with these aspects of requirements and shown affordable ways and means to overcome the problems. Elaborate discussion on the features like-overview of Bangladesh, generation, collection & disposal of wastes, social responsibility, financial management, economic issues, and legal & regulatory aspects for appropriate management of municipal solid wastes has been assimilated in the book for taking the readers on the real situation of municipal solid wastes has been assimilated in the book for taking the readers on the real situation of municipal solid wastes has been assimilated in the book for taking the readers on the real situation of municipal solid waste of Bangladesh.


Title : Municipal Solid Waste Management Bangladesh Perspective
Author : কে এম নুরুল হুদা
Publisher : একাডেমিক প্রেস এন্ড পাবলিশার্স লাইব্রেরি
ISBN : 9840802291
Edition : 2008
Number of Pages : 363
Country : Bangladesh
Language : English

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