ইকোনমিক লাইফ অফ রুরাল ঢাকা (হার্ডকভার)
ইকোনমিক লাইফ অফ রুরাল ঢাকা (হার্ডকভার)
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The compilation of this archival corpus about the economic condition of lower class of people of rural Dhaka is based on the survey and collection of W. Rattray, the Sub divisional Officer f Narayanganj, Dhaka, which commenced nearly 124 years ago. These materials had been collected for the inclusion in Dufferin Report of 1888. But such object could not have been materialized for unknown reasons. Along with the general economic condition of lower class of people of rural Dhaka and these documents supply information about the family budget of different classes of rural population, production, income and expenditure and indebtedness of lower class of people of different areas of rural Dhaka in 1880s. The materials, so far collected, were based on a classification of the rural population into four categories: cultivators, agricultural labourers, artisans and people who live on charity. It appears that these materials will be useful to the modern researchers of rural economic history of Dhaka and Bengal as well.

Title : ইকোনমিক লাইফ অফ রুরাল ঢাকা
Author : ড. রতন লাল চক্রবর্তী
Publisher : দি ইউনিভার্সেল একাডেমি
ISBN : 9789893319509
Edition : 2012
Number of Pages : 164
Country : Bangladesh
Language : Bengali

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