Cases in Call Center Management (পেপারব্যাক)
Cases in Call Center Management (পেপারব্যাক)
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Written by authorities on the call center industry, Cases in Call Center Management bringsto light the strategic importance of call centers in today's business world.While large corporations have explicit call centers, due tochanging attitudes toward customer service, small organizations also have call centers, evenif they do not designate a part of the organization as a call center. Asinteractions with customers move away from person-to-person relationships to otherinteractive media options, the call center is emerging from the shadows tobecome a vital force for corporate marketing and communication. Cases in Call CenterManagement covers the gamut of topics by examining real call centers inaction and how managements at those centers have dealt with key call centerissues including: "Human Resource Management," "OperationalManagement," "Strategic Management, " and "Technology Issues." Amongthe organizations covered are Accor, Charles Schwab, General Electric, HewlettPackard, Mercedes Benz, Thomson Consumer, Unisys, and Yellow Pages Direct. Thebook is rounded out with a section on resources that will provide hundreds ofideas to accentuate your current call center. Both a practical guide and anexhaustive reference, Cases in CallCenter Management is an investment in the future success of your customerservice operations.

Title : Cases in Call Center Management
Author : Richard Feinberg
Publisher : জাইকো পাবলিশিং হাউস
ISBN : 9781557533425
Edition : 2008
Number of Pages : 356
Country : India
Language : English

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