The Guardian of the Realm (হার্ডকভার)
The Guardian of the Realm (হার্ডকভার)
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During Geronimo's training on the Balanced Path, he learned that Queen Blossom has had a baby! the Kingdom of Fantasy had a new princess named Winglet!But just after she was born, the princess was kidnapped from her crib in the castle. Geronimo traveled to the castle to help figure out who took Princess Winglet and return her to her loving parents as quickly as possible. Would his training be enough to get him up to the task?

Title : The Guardian of the Realm
Author : জেরোনিমো স্টিল্টন
Publisher : স্কলাস্টিক ইনক
ISBN : 9789352755165
Edition : 2024
Number of Pages : 314
Country : India
Language : English

Geronimo Stilton is an Italian children's chapter book series created by Elisabetta Dami and written under the pen name of the title character. Scholastic Corporation began publishing the English version of the series in the US in February 2004. In the UK, the English books are published by Sweet Cherry Publishing.

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