Essays on Capacity Building: Human and Institutional Aspects (পাপেরব্যাক)
Essays on Capacity Building: Human and Institutional Aspects (পাপেরব্যাক)
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'Capacity is the ability to perform appropriate tasks and fulfill roles effectively, efficiently and sustainably. To achieve any developmental objective individually and collectively appropriate capacity of both at the individual and organizational levels is important. Capacity of both at the individual and organizational levels is important. Capacity building is the combination of efforts, initiatives and performance to enhance and utilize skills and capabilities of people and organization or institution at local, national, regional and global levels, aims at sustaining developments. This book is a compilation of some important essays, articles and research papers. The author has developed them over the years to satisfy the requests of some agencies and organizations of home and abroad. These articles were written as seminar papers and then published in the national research journals. Although these articles were developed to address some particular issues, they have some identical objectives and commonalities in the appeals and messages. The common theme has been the human and institutional aspects. I believe that this book will be of immense benefit of all concerned.'

Title : Essays on Capacity Building: Human and Institutional Aspects
Author : এম. মাহবুবুর রহমান মোর্শেদ পিএইচডি
Publisher : বাংলাদেশ সিভিল সার্ভিস প্রশাসন একাডেমি
ISBN : 9843234839
Edition : 2006
Number of Pages : 173
Country : Bangladesh
Language : English

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