The Most Effective Way to Success (পেপারব্যাক)
The Most Effective Way to Success (পেপারব্যাক)
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This book is the key to becoming successful in the world of protessional selling. It is a proven, working method for dramatically increasing your sales potentials. Munir Khan, the award winning international sales consultant & trainer will teach you step by step what to say, how to ask for the sale, how to take complete control of the environment and illicit the outcome we always want. Never lose another sale because you did not read the principles Munir Khan talks about.

Title : The Most Effective Way to Success
Author : মুনির হাসান খান
Publisher : মডার্ন পাবলিশার্স
Edition : 2014
Number of Pages : 132
Country : Bangladesh
Language : English

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