Dusk Dawn And Liberation (পেপারব্যাক)
Dusk Dawn And Liberation (পেপারব্যাক)
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In 1971, death was stalking everywhere in East Pakistan. Any Bangla speaking human being, old or young, child or woman, Moslem, Hindu, Christian or Buddhist alike faced it as they would a sniper's bullet. The assassins were all Moslems by faith, by profession soldiers of the state who earned their livelihood defending the people they were killing. It had a genesis. The Moslems started their inroads into the Indian sub- continent's gate wall from 1202 A.D. In this respect Mohamed Ghori was the pioneer from the western flank. Earlier, non-political Arab merchants also had started landing in what is now Chittagong district of Bangladesh from the 8th century. On the other hand, through the political line, Ikhtiaruddin Md. Bin Bakhtiar Khilji usurped the throne of Bengal from Laksman Sen in 1205 A.D

Title : Dusk Dawn And Liberation
Author : মাসুদ আহমেদ
Publisher : অথোর হাউজ
ISBN : 9781491881033
Edition : 4th Edition, 2021
Number of Pages : 359
Country : India
Language : English

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