Secret Affidavit of Yahya Khan On 1971 (হার্ডকভার)
Secret Affidavit of Yahya Khan On 1971 (হার্ডকভার)
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"Secret Affidavit Of Yahya Khan On 1971" Taken from the flap of the book:
General Agha Muhammad Yahya Khan was at the helm of affairs when Pakistan got divided. Number of Indian, Bangladeshi and Pakistani writers/military officers so far have written volume of books highlighting, their own accounts. But as President and C-in-C of Pakistan Gen Yahya's version of the debacle was not known to us. Before his death on August 10, 1980 he compiled his views in an affidavit in 1978 which was kept secret for several years. This affidavit was published publicly in Pakistan in 2005.

Title : Secret Affidavit of Yahya Khan On 1971
Editor : আবু রুশদ
Publisher : বাংলাদেশ ডিফেন্স জার্নাল পাবলিশিং
ISBN : 9789849073048
Edition : 2nd edition, 2018
Number of Pages : 112
Country : Bangladesh
Language : English

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